On Saturday I kicked off the market year at The Handmade Expo. It was a great day with just enough rain to take the edge off the heat. The steam train was running alongside the market and my Mum was reminiscing about the days when she and her six sisters were frequent commuters on the train. I was imagining those beautiful, foofy 1950's skirts and dresses, backcombed and set hairstyles and gloves, squeezing into those little carriage doorways and not picking up the grime and dust from the coal train! Apparently there was a knack to it and headscarves were a handbag mainstay.
I did manage a little treat for myself in between customers! Mel from Dragonfly Designs was nearby and she was selling some Creative Artyfacts beads. I've been coveting a unique, handmade, glass bead for my charm bracelet and Liz's beads have a sterling silver core. Liz was at the BrisStylemarket in November, last year but the Little Buttons prevented any hard core purchasing! I have great hopes for Saturday 6th of March which is the first BiDM for 2010.
Molly's Wimcee skirt
The beautiful and now, Great Aunt, Steph from Wimcee will also be there on the 6th. Last year, she very generously gifted Molly a beautiful red and white skirt which she has worn almost constantly. I have to hide it when I hang it on the washing line or she stands underneath the line and rouses until it is dry! What can I say? The child knows quality when she sees it. Might be time for me to extend Miss Molly's wardrobe!
Cute as Buttons will also be a stallholder amidst the beautiful grounds of St Augustine's Church Grounds, on Racecourse Rd, at Hamilton. I'm very excited to be joining the ranks of the BrisStylers and I am having a delightful time preparing lots of lovely goodies for the event. Take a peek here for all the BiDM goss.
Just so tickled to know Molly's so happy with her skirt still!