The sewing machines are whirring, glue guns are hot and ready to go, paintbrushes are a blur of movement all over Brisbane in preparation for Friday night's BrisStyle Indie Twilight Market in King George Square.
I'm trying out a new option on Friday. I will be part of the BrisStyle Co-Op and will be sharing a marquee with Julia and Patricia. There are also nine other lovely BrisStylers in our co-op pod so I figured it would be a great way to socialise under the guise of work!
Some of my aunts and cousins will be coming in for a look see on Friday and that's another reason I'm quite twitterpated about the event. Hope to see you there between 5pm and 9pm in King George Square on Friday.
Now I know the insights into the creative side of this blog have been a little light on in recent times but I promise, as soon as I have the nod, I've got lovely things to share so stick with me for a while longer!