Do you hear:
- wrapping paper rustling as Mr Button begins his annual ritual of wrestling with the ribbon just prior to bed?
- the carols from Christmas Eve mass still going through your head?
- the excited little voices checking just one more time that tomorrow REALLY is Christmas?
- the hum of the air conditioner?
- Mr Button, Uncle Button and Mr Button's good mate carrying the ginormous trampoline up the hill from the neighbours into our yard? Have I also mentioned that we live on the side of a mountain?
- the sound of cool drinks tinkling on ice for the strongmen?
- Christmas cake being munched?
- Christmas books being read aloud?
- the turkey sizzling in the pan, ready for tomorrow's lunch?
- snuffles and snores from tired little buttons tucked up in their beds?
- blessings being counted and thankful prayers for the good and beautiful life we live?
Merry Christmas to you who have made such a difference to my days and have brought me so much pleasure. I hope the things you hear fill you with the same warm, squishy sense of contentment that I am feeling. Christmas Blessings and Peace to you and to your families.