Hello and welcome to the new followers out there. Hello and THANKS A BUNCH to the old followers who have been patiently awaiting this post. Before I launch into a very image heavy recap of the last couple of weeks, I would love some advice on juggling. No, not the small ball kind (although that would probably win me big Brownie points in the Prep classrooms this week) but,
Blogging/Facebook/Crafting/Marketing/PARENTING/Day Job (ie. odd bits of relief teaching when Mr Button can be home to mind the wee folk)/Finding time to cover grey hair, trainingwith the Mad Exercise Fiend
Friend, waxing legs,
kind of juggling. Really, how do you do it? All advice gratefully received and happily acknowledged! I've noticed a few of us having this conversation of late so I am eager to hear from the wise women and men who are part of our world.
It's been a busy but delightful couple of weeks, the Mothers Day Boutique market was loads of fun and was made even nicer by a visit from Mr Button and the Little Buttons. The day was quite festive in feel and I really enjoyed myself. 

The Handmade Expo in Ipswich was one of those perfectly clear autumn days that remind you just how lucky we are to live in this part of the world. I set up next to Sandra-Ann Millinery and was greatly entertained as the locals selected their exclusive creations for the Ipswich Cup. Micky modelled hers beautifully and I hope I haven't let the cat out of the bag too soon. I stocked up on min nah bottoms for the Littlest Buttons who seem to have grown about 15cm in a matter of weeks. The girls have introduced a new little skirt which is very cute with tights. Molly thought she was it and a bit in her outfit over the weekend.

I have finished some more name towels for orders and am about to start work on another batch tonight. I am working my way through an order for Buzzi 'n Moo. Kylie has asked for a Babushka towel set so that lovely little lady will be making an appearance on towels and I will post some photos of the finished product.
I've been a bit obsessed with kaftan like garments of late, particularly the kind that don't require any ironing so I took a bit of time off from Cute as Buttons sewing and made myself a couple. I was moderately happy with this one:

but, I really think I nailed it with version 2. I know the photos aren't in the least bit helpful in terms of overall look but really, how do you photograph a kaftan nicely?

You can see it in the flesh at the next BiDM which is at St Augustine's on Racecourse Rd at Hamilton on June 5th. I am so happy with it it may just be my market attire on a regular basis. I'm not promising a tutorial but I will pop up a post with some more info about the process a bit later in the week. It is embarrassingly easy compared to some of the other tutorials about the place! I know you said it is easy Steph, so I will eagerly await your next instalment!

Now, as a little reward for reading this far, here is a fast and delicious cake recipe which I made for the Little Buttons afternoon tea. It is a one bowl wonder, which I love, but still moist and light. If you are a gingerbread fan you will really enjoy it. (Note to MEF/aka Deb: I did have one piece but just so I could make sure it tasted alright!)
125g softened butter, chopped
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
2 eggs
2 cups plain flour
1tspn ground ginger
1 cup golden syrup
1/2 cup milk
1/2 tspn bicarb soda
1/2 cup of sultanas
1/3 cup glace ginger, chopped (I omitted this to prevent small children gagging and complaining)
LINE 20cmx30cm lamington pan with paper
PREHEAT oven to 160C
COMBINE all ingredients except sultanas and glace ginger in medium size bowl
BEAT with electric mixer on low speed to combine
BEAT on medium speed until smooth and changed in colour
STIR in sultanas and chopped ginger
SPREAD into pan and bake for about 55min
COOL on cake rack
SPREAD with cinnamon flavoured icing.
I feel like I have just finished War and Peace so I think I shall stop here and head off for a cup of tea and maybe one more slice of that cake.