Thursday, June 18, 2009

You must be the change you want to see in the world.
Mahatma Ghandi

Have you ever had a serendipitous experience? Today's quote is the happy result of mine. Last night I was visiting Curly Pops' blog and she was considering writing a letter to in the hope that something that bothered her would change. This quote popped into my head - I admire people who choose to make a difference and I love the simplicity of Mahatma Ghandi's words.

Then, today, I took my 51/2 year old button for an appointment and as we walked in the door, a magnificent banner with this quote written on it was hanging from the wall! Twice in twenty four hours....this quote has come to me for a reason!

Sometimes, we can be overwhelmed by all that we need or want to do. A very gentle, wise, old, man once told me that if we changed one little thing each day, we would soon live more contentedly. I don't always remember this wisdom, but, when I do, it makes a difference in my world and it gives me courage for the times when I need to be brave to bring about a big change.

What changes are you trying to make in your world...reducing, reusing, recycling? Changing the way your children speak to each other? Changing your sleeping habits or replanning your workday? Are you advocating for a healthier menu in your school tuckshop? Perhaps you are trying to change yourself? I'd love to hear what you are working on.


  1. Thanks Lisa, I really enjoyed reading the quotes...hmm there is so much things I want to change and it also keeps moving as I change something something else will need to change!At the moment I need to work on organising myself better;)

  2. I found your blog via another blog via a comment posted on my blog...confused yet??? Your question inspired me to comment so here goes...I am working on myself...I had a pretty abismal childhood, left home at 16, married at 20, divorced at 32, single Mum at 42. I had no positive role models in my life and I have struggled alot with my self esteem and have lacked and still lack confidence in I am getting some help with an amazing young psychologist who is going to (and has already) help me with making some roadways to positive change in my life. Once I have done that I can be a better, mother, friend, supplier etc., I perfome random acts of kindness on a daily basis and I can feel good about myself, something that has been a bit hit and miss for many years. So, now I have shared some of my story Id love to hear what others are doing/have done.
    Life is to be lived and one of the most important things to me is the journey on my way to reaching my goals.
    All the best
