It is Kindy sign on at 8am tomorrow. Kindy is an optional year of part time early childhood education for children aged 4-5. Our local C & K Kindy is brilliant. It was a fantastic introduction to formal education for Paddy and we'd love the twins to have the same solid start.
I have only one problem with the place: I started camping out in the line up to sign on, this morning at 8:45am. Yup, you heard me, camping out. Yup, that's right, almost 24hrs before the sign on. Chairs, tents, tarps and port-a-lights on the nature strip. On the plus side, a lovely chance to meet and chat with some of the parents of the twins' future classmates. By the way, did I mention it is raining? Quite a bit, in fact.
Mr Button assisting where possible by stepping in for his turn in the camping out zone. He seemed quite chuffed when I left him there. I think the rigging of tents and tarps in the torrential downpour smacked of a Boys Own adventure and he doesn't mind a bit of that. He was dry at the time. He won't be now. Did I mention it was raining in our neck of the woods?
Oh my goodness!!!!!!!! it must be a outstanding kindy!!!!!!!!! no way....and the rain!!!!!