This week my creative space belongs to my sister but I was hanging about the place for some of the goings on so feel that I have some claim to the space if not the creativity! I told you about the Mad Scientist Party she planned for her 8yr old son. It was a great day and a stroke of genius, in my opinion. A party posse of 8yr old boys can be a formidable sight, but, Professor Sumner V kept them happily occupied with the requisite amount of controlled mess, goop slinging and competitive game playing.

Nanny Button sourced many white business shirts from the local op shops to create lab coats for the guests which offered some protection as they hunted in goop to find rocks and spell out a word.

Made and tested paper planes to decide which was the fastest model.

Explored the box of mystery.
She planned it down to the last detail and did a fantastic job which is a jolly, good, thing, because her almost 7yr old nephew/godson just told me what he wants to do for his birthday. Luckily for me, I know a scientist who is looking for a new gig!
To explore many more creative spaces, pop over to Kootoyoo and visit Kirsty, the happy, host of this game.
What a brilliant party ! Those kids must have had the best time .